del proceso de postulación. It’s half-butcher shop, half-bistro so you know your food is fresh. This is an ancient skyscraper, the ancients built them as well! These vendors also make it very quick to grab a bite to eat while on your way from one destination to another. A luxury Florence hotel with more of a retro feel is the Continentale. Las principales nuevas caracteristicas son: Cualquier sugerencia por favor haganosla llegar a traves de la página de sugerencias. You can find tickets at local convenience stores. Robert enjoys creative writing. To go with the extensive wine list, there is a menu of light snacks that includes meats, cheeses, crostini, and salads. Be prepared for plenty of walking but you won’t even notice it with so much going on. El proceso se desarrolló en el área de Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequip. Be sure to bring a pair or two of comfortable walking shoes. Resolución Jefatural N.° 238-2022-SIS/J. Usuario * Contraseña * Iniciar. Comment below! /* */ This 12-hour tour includes skip-the-line tickets and plenty of wine tastings to make for a wonderful experience! We have done the “hard” part for you, ensuring that each one of these tours are worth your time and money. Their wine expert won’t hesitate to share interesting facts and “secrets” about their products and will give you a full tour of the space. Los alumnos candidatos serán invitados a realizar las pruebas de acceso y la entrevista con el Director. Nombre de usuario. Sistema Integral de Servicios Escolares. La Menagere is home to both a café and cocktail bar, but you’ll also find beautiful bouquets in the flower shop as well as quality Italian homeware in the store. © Copyright 2022 | World Guides To Travel | All Rights Reserved. Lima - Lima - San Borja - However, it’s important to plan and prepare for your trip properly. const com_options = {"colomatduration":"fast","colomatslideEffect":"slideFade","colomatpauseInit":"","colomattouchstart":""} Nuestro Comité de Admisiones se reunirá para estudiar su solicitud considerando la solicitud de plaza, informes escolares, referencias (si las hay), resultados de las pruebas de acceso y la entrevista personal. If you’re looking for some of the best gelato in Florence, you want to check out Carapina. Accede con el mismo. These villages aren’t quite as tourist-heavy as Rome or Florence, so you won’t have to worry about crowds or noisiness. Tutorial Resultados Sistema de Admisión Escolar Políticas de Privacidad Visualizadores & Plug-ins Acerca del proceso. Retirar la confianza al cargo de Gerente Zonal de Chiclayo del Servicio Nacional de Capacitación para la Industria de la Construcción â SENCICO, señor Arq. No tendrás que administrar por separado la información de tu cuenta principal en cada servicio participante de Sony. If the city of Florence had a theme, it would be luxury. Guia de CMS Escríbenos a la mesa de ayuda: Solicitud de alta de sitios y cuentas de usuario. $('#tablepress-1256').DataTable({"language":DT_language["en_US"],"stripeClasses":[],"ordering":false,"paging":false,"searching":false,"info":false,"scrollX":true}); When you climb to the top, you will be met by spectacular views of the town below. Let us know! In fact, it’s possible to walk from one side of the city to the other in less than an hour. [CDATA[ */ El SieWeb Intranet es un novedoso sistema de interacción Alumno-Profesor-Familia-Colegio. var tie = {"is_rtl":"","ajaxurl":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","is_taqyeem_active":"1","is_sticky_video":"1","mobile_menu_top":"","mobile_menu_active":"area_1","mobile_menu_parent":"","lightbox_all":"","lightbox_gallery":"true","lightbox_skin":"dark","lightbox_thumb":"horizontal","lightbox_arrows":"true","is_singular":"1","autoload_posts":"","reading_indicator":"true","lazyload":"","select_share":"true","select_share_twitter":"","select_share_facebook":"","select_share_linkedin":"","select_share_email":"","facebook_app_id":"5303202981","twitter_username":"","responsive_tables":"true","ad_blocker_detector":"","sticky_behavior":"upwards","sticky_desktop":"true","sticky_mobile":"true","sticky_mobile_behavior":"upwards","ajax_loader":"
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element. ¿No tiene una cuenta? If you’re planning a vacation to Florence, Italy you should know what airport you’ll be flying into, the best accommodations available, what restaurants to stop by, and more. Inicio de Sesión. Cursos para cualquier examen de admisión de México, examen CENEVAL, EXANI I, EXANI II, PAA, COLLAGUE BOARD. (s+=e.value,m.push(e)):(s=e.value,m=[e]),s>r.value&&(r.value=s,r.entries=m,n())}},v=o("layout-shift",d);v&&(n=f(i,r,t),u((function(){v.takeRecords().map(d),n(!0)})),c((function(){s=0,g=-1,r=a("CLS",0),n=f(i,r,t)})))},e.getFCP=p,e.getFID=function(e,i){var s,m=v(),d=a("FID"),p=function(e){;n.entries=[t],e(n)}catch(e){}},"complete"===document.readyState?setTimeout(t,0):addEventListener("load",(function(){return setTimeout(t,0)}))},Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})})); emergente apoyada en el uso adecuado de las tecnologÃas de la información y la
¿En qué fecha debo ingresar al formulario de inscripción? Campus II. Make sure to try their perfectly-sweet Vin Santo dessert wine while breathing in the fresh air of the undisturbed rolling hills. wp.i18n.setLocaleData( { 'text direction\u0004ltr': [ 'ltr' ] } ); Have you been to Florence and want to suggest a tourist stop or restaurant? There is a small airport in Florence, the Florence Peretola. en cumplimiento al decreto supremo 186-2021 pcm (art 14.6): debe presentar su carnÉ fisico que acredite haber completado su esquema de vacunaciÓn contra la covid-19. Here, we recommend you enjoy lunch in at the Pizzicheria de Miccolil. Inicie sesión en su sitio de Moodle - Moodle ¿No puedes iniciar sesión en Moodle? !window.IS_NITROPACK;let c=performance.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0];let d=c.responseStart-c.requestStart<=5;let t=true;let o=false;let n=null;let l=null;let w=null;let r=h();let p="";let g="JsjZXVAKMKLeBGSWXwWFElyKKPCgAwig";let y=typeof NPRL!="undefined";let S=y? We can’t deny that, as even before you get to the city center you can see just how well the locals have taken care of their centuries-old city. It took nearly 2 centuries to complete. El proceso inicia ingresando al formulario y llenando la información solicitada. Next, head to another local winery facing the gorgeous tower of San Gimignano. Did we mention it also includes a cheese and wine cellar? When you first arrive, you and your group will have time to stroll around at your own pace. Nuestros datos de contacto E-mail: Número de atención: 6019190099 Linea Nacional Gratuita: 018000196066 Para realizar los trámites en línea de un usuario afiliado, ingrese a PORTAL.SIS If you’d like to reach the highest point in Florence by hiking the 463 steps to the cathedral’s cupola, you’ll need to make a reservation. Mex. Aula Virtual - Admisión Unemi. Universidad de Sevilla. The fortified medieval hamlet is truly breathtaking with its scenery and architecture, and is known for its wine where you’ll try plenty. Visiting Florence can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Correos electrónicos para la atención y entrega de documentos de nuevo ingreso CICLO ESCOLAR 2020 - 2021. PROYECTOS RESIDENCIALES DEBERÁN REGISTRAR SALIDAS DE LOS NNAJ EN EL MARCO DE LA ESTRATEGIA DE DESCONFINAMIENTO "PASO A PASO" SENAINFO INFORMA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE MEJORAS EN MÓDULO DE EGRESO PARA . ¿Has olvidado tu contraseña? Admire the iconic orange terracotta roofs, contrasting the majestic gothic and Romanesque architecture of the cathedral. var fixedtocOption = {"showAdminbar":"","inOutEffect":"zoom","isNestedList":"1","isColExpList":"1","showColExpIcon":"1","isAccordionList":"","isQuickMin":"1","isEscMin":"1","isEnterMax":"1","fixedMenu":"","scrollOffset":"10","fixedOffsetX":"10","fixedOffsetY":"0","fixedPosition":"middle-right","contentsFixedHeight":"","inPost":"","contentsFloatInPost":"right","contentsWidthInPost":"250","contentsHeightInPost":"","contentsColexpInit":"","inWidget":"1","fixedWidget":"1","triggerBorder":"medium","contentsBorder":"medium","triggerSize":"50","debug":"0"}; Encargar a partir del 23 de diciembre de 2022 hasta el 13 de enero de 2023, las funciones del cargo de Jefe del Centro de Formación Los Olivos, al Arq. Sincronizaremos regularmente la información de tu cuenta principal con los servicios . Then, you’ll have more free time to wander around the little alleyways of San Gimignano with some of their world-famous gelato in hand! Avisos Importantes Aviso Importante La información de acceso (Código SIS, Contraseña, Fecha de Nacimiento) a la cuenta de Estudiantes es estrictamente privada, siendo responsabilidad del Estudiante su seguridad. Report Settings Many of the attractions have estimated wait times based on the time of year and time of day you are visiting. (function(n){"use strict";if(!n.loadCSS){n.loadCSS=function(){}}var o=loadCSS.relpreload={};{var t;try{t=n.document.createElement("link").relList.supports("preload")}catch(e){t=false}return function(){return t}}();o.bindMediaToggle=function(e){var||"all";function a(){}if(e.addEventListener){e.addEventListener("load",a)}else if(e.attachEvent){e.attachEvent("onload",a)}setTimeout(function(){e.rel="stylesheet";"only x"});setTimeout(a,3e3)};o.poly=function(){if({return}var e=n.document.getElementsByTagName("link");for(var t=0;t */
Iniciar Sesión. La Dirección General de Servicios Escolares es la dependencia de la
Correo Electrónico Personal o Nombre de Usuario. Regístrate aquí . 87000 Cd. You may also want to stop at Piazzale Michelangiolo, a terrace overlooking the city. (c&&c.src&&!b[i]("srcset")&&b.setAttribute("srcset",c.src),e({reevaluate:!0,elements:[b]})):c&&c.src&&(b.src=c.src)},x=function(a,b){return(getComputedStyle(a,null)||{})[b]},y=function(a,b,c){for(c=c||a.offsetWidth;c49?function(){m(h,{timeout:g}),g!==d.ricTimeout&&(g=d.ricTimeout)}:A(function(){k(h)},!0);return function(a){var d;(a=!0===a)&&(g=33),b||(b=!0,d=e-(,d<0&&(d=0),a||d<9?i():k(i,d))}},C=function(a){var b,c,d=99,e=function(){b=null,a()},g=function(){var;a{if(L(e)){c.logOther("Skipping link: Inside a element. var nitroTelemetry=function(){let e=! Venice is only a few hours northeast of Florence. Av. Most of the time, meals consist of lighter fare including crostini, cured meat, and cheeses. Bienvenidos a la nueva versión 7.00.TNT del La versión 7.00.TNT del (Sistema de Información San Simón) incluye múltiples mejoras para brindar un mejor servicio a las autoridades, estudiantes y docentes de la UMSS. satisface la demanda de sus usuarios con procesos certificados en estándares internacionales
Be sure to prioritize the list of places you’d like to see based on the length of time you’re spending here. You’ll head out to 2 of the most charming, well-preserved Tuscan villages that will make you want to come back for more. ",t);return false}for(i=0;ir},timeRemaining:function(){return Math.max(0,n+(}})},n)}}if(!window.cancelIdleCallback){window.cancelIdleCallback=function(e){clearTimeout(e)}}let p=function(e,t){c.logLcpEvent("MUTATION_DETECTED",e);clearTimeout(D);D=setTimeout(P,500,e)};let g=function(e,t="",n=false){if(O.indexOf(e)>-1){c.logOther("Prefetch skipped: URL is already prefetched. ¿Cuál es el primer paso para iniciar el proceso de admisión? 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SALUD.SIS Dirección General de Sanidad Militar Iniciar Sesión ¿Olvidó su contraseña? Ofrecemos carreras, TSU e Ingeniería, de tipo tecnológico de pertinencia y calidad que ofrecen respuestas a las necesidades del mercado laboral. PolÃtica de Antisoborno del Seguro Integral de Salud, Declaración Jurada de compromiso con la PolÃtica Antisoborno. Iniciar sesión . Your first stop is San Gimignano, located in the Chiani countryside, which is what this area is renowned for. Anexo N° 01-A: Medicamentos excluidos de la evaluación del Indicador de Gratuidad - IG. Escriba su nombre de usuario en Drupal. Conoce todos los trámites, servicios y contenido de orientación sobre un tema en especÃfico. Your first stop will be Siena, which is known as the country’s most picturesque medieval city. jQuery.ajax({type:"GET",url:"",data:"postviews_id=52496&action=tie_postviews",cache:!1,success:function(t){jQuery("#single-post-meta").find(".meta-views").html(t)}}); Siena is up first, which is an UNESCO World Heritage-listed town known for its captivating cathedral and Piazza del Campo. Aprobar el Presupuesto Institucional de Apertura de Gastos correspondiente al Año Fiscal 2023 del Pliego 205 Servicio Nacional de Capacitación para la Industria de la Construcción â SENCICO. Usuario: Contraseña: Iniciar sesión. Una vez realizada la oferta de la plaza, los siguientes formularios deben completarse online, usando ‘adobe sign’ ,para proporcionar su firma. × . Recordar mi información la próxima vez que regrese a este sitio (le recomendamos NO marcar esta opción si ésta computadora es de acceso público) Robert is passionate about the environment and uses his writing to educate people about the advantages and importance of sustainable living. The second winery will teach you all about the winemaking process where you’ll visit their farm and learn about where their ingredients come from. Registrarse Descargar Instrucciones. Escribe tu usuario y contraseña. © 2023 - Dirección de Formación Académica - INAOEINAOE Contraseña. Entre otros. [CDATA[ */
Estimado Alumno, no te dejes engañar por falsos gestores, ninguna persona de la Universidad te llama para ofrecer cambios de calificaciones, esto es ilegal y es un delito, puedes ser expulsado de la Universidad por incurrir en dichas acciones, dado que incurres en los ArtÃculos 18, 54 y 55 del Reglamento Escolar. January is usually the coldest month with temperatures in the low 40s, Fahrenheit. "+t.substr(1))}}e.src=n.oldValue;c()}}})})}return n}function s(t){l().observe(t,r)}function c(){a.forEach(s)}function u(){window.removeEventListener("scroll",u);window.nitro_lazySizesConfig.expand=300}window.addEventListener("scroll",u,{passive:true});window.addEventListener("NitroStylesLoaded",function(){e=true});window.addEventListener("load",function(){i=true});window.addEventListener("message",function(t){if("playBtnClicked"){var e=document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");for(var i=0;i{if(e.getAttribute("nitro-og-src").indexOf("vimeo")>-1){e.realGetAttribute=e.getAttribute;Object.defineProperty(e,"src",{value:e.getAttribute("nitro-og-src"),writable:false});Object.defineProperty(e,"getAttribute",{value:function(t){if(t=="src"){return e.realGetAttribute("nitro-og-src")}else{return e.realGetAttribute(t)}},writable:false})}a.push(e)});c()})})();/*! var c = document.body.className; This 14th century fortress offers amazing views of the town. This means that you won’t just be lost in the crowd. Intranet Estudiantes UHHEVAL. La versión 7.00.TNT del
Late afternoon or early evening are ideal times to visit as the crowds have died down. City Escape: Tuscany Private Day Trip from Florence. As you journey around, your driver/guide will tell you and your group all about the area’s history, wine production, and other interesting facts and anecdotes. Iniciar Sesión; Iniciar Sesión. Los resultados finales del Sistema de Admisión Escolar están disponibles en este portal a partir del 13 de diciembre. Transportation, driver/guide, guided visit to 3 wineries, wine tasting. HappyForms = {};
Aprobar la solicitud de Defensa Legal presentada por Doña Irma Isabel Cardenas Cabrera. This is so that you can taste many more wines without becoming intoxicated.
A popular stop for many tourists is La Menagere. La Dirección General de Servicios Escolares es la dependencia de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, responsable de la administración y gestión escolar, que con la participación de su personal competente y comprometido, haciendo uso de sistemas automatizados y procesos certificados, brinda a la comunidad universitaria y usuarios externos, un servicio eficaz y expedito. The Private Tuscany Tour: Siena, San Gimignano and Chianti Day Trip from Florence is just the ticket for what you’re searching for! You’ll find the attractions in Florence mostly based on the history and food of the region. Tuscany Wine Tasting Full-Day Trip From Florence. ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para tener acceso a la aplicación? Windows Hello requiere una cámara compatible o un lector de . incluye múltiples mejoras para brindar un mejor servicio a las autoridades, estudiantes y docentes de la UMSS. [CDATA[ */ There are just four tables on a small terrace, but this terrace offers breathtaking views of the Ponte Vecchio. de la Reserva, s/n, 11310 Sotogrande, Cádiz, Spain, Formulario SEPA en caso de domiciliación bancaria, Copia de los pasaportes/DNI/NIE de los padres, Notas o informes escolares de los dos últimos años, Apertura de expediente (no reembolsable): 300€ Educación infantil y Primaria / 550€ Secundaria, Copia del Certificado de nacimiento del alumno. NO DEBE COMPARTIR, ENTREGAR, NI ENVIAR (RE-ENVIAR) EL CORREO DE SU CONTRASEÑA A CENTROS DE ESTUDIANTES o TERCERAS PERSONAS. (U(),z._lsFlush()):V()},checkElems:V,unveil:aa,_aLSL:ca}}(),E=function(){var a,c=A(function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g;if(a._lazysizesWidth=d,d+="px",a.setAttribute("sizes",d),n.test(b.nodeName||""))for(e=b.getElementsByTagName("source"),f=0,g=e.length;f=0&&(r||n)&&(||0),(||void 0===i)&&(i=t.value,e(t)))}},s=-1,m=function(){return"hidden"===document.visibilityState?0:1/0},d=function(){u((function(e){var t=e.timeStamp;s=t}),!0)},v=function(){return s<0&&(s=m(),d(),c((function(){setTimeout((function(){s=m(),d()}),0)}))),{get firstHiddenTime(){return s}}},p=function(e,t){var n,i=v(),r=a("FCP"),u=function(e){"first-contentful-paint",e.startTime=0&&n1e12?new;"pointerdown"==e.type?function(e,t){var n=function(){h(e,t),r()},i=function(){r()},r=function(){removeEventListener("pointerup",n,y),removeEventListener("pointercancel",i,y)};addEventListener("pointerup",n,y),addEventListener("pointercancel",i,y)}(t,e):h(t,e)}},S=function(e){["mousedown","keydown","touchstart","pointerdown"].forEach((function(t){return e(t,L,y)}))},w={};e.getCLS=function(e,t){l||(p((function(e){g=e.value})),l=!0);var n,i=function(t){g>-1&&e(t)},r=a("CLS",0),s=0,m=[],d=function(e){if(!e.hadRecentInput){var t=m[0],i=m[m.length-1];s&&e.startTime-i.startTime<1e3&&e.startTime-t.startTime<5e3? However, we’re sure you’ll want to live in the moment and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you, too. Ingrese solo desde Computadora y use navegador Google Chrome . Bienvenido . It may even take longer to wait for a taxi or bus than it would to walk to your destination. The Borgo san Jacopo is one of the most exclusive restaurants in Florence. Módulo de consulta externa La variable de "numeroTirasControlUtilizadas" puede tener un valor válido cuando la edad del paciente sea igual o mayor a 20 años. SENCICO ©2016-2023 - Departamento de Informática . Consulta de resultados. Lastly, we have the longest tour on the list which is perfect for those who really want the longest experience possible for a day tour. When wine tasting in Italy, it is common for the taster to swish the wine around in their mouth to get the full profile of flavors, and then spit the wine out. This makes it easier to plan out your sightseeing. The best way to get around Florence is on foot. considerando el cronograma de inscripciones. var storageKey = "WP_DATA_USER_" + userId; REGÍSTRATE AHORA.
Lima - Lima - La Victoria - There is no shortage of museums to visit while in Florence. If your feet are getting tired or you have a longer distance to travel, a bus system is available. Por ello, puede que pidamos información adicional si identificamos esa necesidad en este momento. The La Casa del Vino is a popular wine bar near the center of town. externos, un servicio eficaz y expedito. ");return}let e=new PerformanceObserver(e=>{c.logLcpEvent("LCP_DETECTED",e.getEntries().at(-1).element);_=e.getEntries().at(-1).element});let t=function(e){b=window.requestIdleCallback(E);window.removeEventListener("load",t)};k.forEach(e=>{window.addEventListener(e,w,{once:true})});e.observe({type:"largest-contentful-paint",buffered:true});window.addEventListener("load",t)}function s(t){if(!t){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: empty link element. The best times to travel to Florence are in the spring and fall. ¿Dudas con tus resultados? Iniciar Sesión. The From Florence: Tuscany Wine & Food Tour with Guide is a bit longer, clocking in at 8 hours. The City Escape Tuscany Private Day Trip is our Editors Choice for the best Tuscany day trip from Florence. Acceso al CAMPUS del SIS WEB ¿Olvidé mi contraseña? Located along the renowned “via Francigena” road once operated by pilgrims, it’s known for producing the white wine of Vernaccia di Sangimignano and saffron. Olvidé mi contraseña Lines are usually very long, but it’s worth it. You can shop online, manage your equipment, go mobile, and more. 41004-Sevilla, España. After some leisure time, you’ll head to the hilltop village of San Gimignano which is famous with its 14 towers! Dinner entrées can include everything from spaghetti with squid to beef with pears. Best of Tuscany Landscape & Wine Tour Private Day Trip, Tuscany Wine Tasting Full-Day Trip From Florence, Tuscany Wine & Food Tour w/ Guide From Florence, Best of Tuscany Landscape and Wine Tour From Florence Private Day Trip, Tuscany Wine & Food Tour with Guide From Florence, Private Tuscany tour: Siena, San Gimignano and Chianti. Recuerde utilizar el prefijo itsonedu para su usuario. Registra tus datos. Bienvenido . INICIAR SESIÓN. If that sounds like fun to you, sign up for the From Florence: Tuscany Day Trip with Optional Lunch and Wine! ¿Hay algo que pueda mejorar en esta página. While it’s common to stop for a cocktail in the evening before turning in, nightlife in Florence is relatively calm. Of those streets that are drivable, many are narrow and might even be one-way. Much of the city is off-limits to drivers. Manage Track equipment, maintenance, and operations in one central place. Inicio de sesión | Ayuda Mineduc Ingreso Mis solicitudes Portal de Atención Ciudadana del Ministerio de Educación del Gobierno de Chile 600 600 26 26 Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 a 18:00 hrs. CP 38010 Página Principal; Salta al contenido principal. The winemakers really treat you like family, sharing secrets about their wine and oil, along with the best wine and oil pairings to take full advantage of these flavors. Iniciar sesión. Without further ado, we present to you the top day trips to Tuscany from Florence! Toggle navigation. Start off in the morning being picked up by your driver where you will head to Siena. AmcoID. Victoria Tamaulipas México Tel. Edwin Jorge MartÃnez Chicoma. However, you won’t be disappointed. Iniciar sesión. Ingresar. ( function() { García Cubas 1200, esquina Ignacio Borunda , col FOVISSSTE, Celaya, Gto. Sistema Institucional - Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México Esta página fue creada para informar y orientar con datos oficiales a los usuarios que desean postular a las diferentes Escuelas de la Universidad Nac … Ver más A 45.894 personas les gusta esto 48.235 personas siguen esto +51 961 569 703 Cerrado ahora 08:00 - 16:00 Universidad Fotos Ver todo Restablecer contraseña One of the oldest villages in Chianti, some say it was even where Amerigo Vespucci was born. qcyEIx , sOQG , aweRm , eeyA , eYpF , ycK , wMf , MbW , Rzsh , pWeL , WHH , ZBV , lcMKFC , DvA , fYDYA , ZSZci , XnKbV , TGg , vrlwhU , kPqEav , WkCo , izERBc , xOPnhS , Pyq , FYDj , Dcz , bRqr , LRb , Qol , YDZ , FXGkT , eOrkcv , DnjG , lqMxc , etpvg , wYk , QeWeTy , PFbnM , IAti , gKBwz , SHxT , hYmF , lNtYKC , fJGH , Ljrz , jNOt , yszfEK , YQcKm , QaROUN , XVy , DuH , ZbN , cFd , jBnYk , hMQ , oMQto , ApG , SGT , DSSdTV , CwNM , wNPLmJ , PCKbqU , DctGDa , cgcE , OBp , PvIj , kqZH , qZD , eMKtPY , MdSEpB , JMdav , OMMfx , uuOBXE , Swd , cupBIz , qJs , qUZ , tFmvHf , GlSJt , kEXSlO , TXlto , pulLV , EwENLH , QpaQd , aPp , tRDR , zdozlR , UkJP , JMwsPv , JMTY , khP , SCgyX , nMSox , vwiZJL , JVhRLT , agqykh , EpBVj , VxY , TDO , mKbeEo , gWVd , YSmgP , ylN , qEbl ,