Desempeño laboral . The present paper analyzes the functioning of the Spanish version of the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ). Dashed lines, from left to right, correspond to first, second (median), and third quartile.Â, Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, Dalal, Baysinger, Brummel, & Lebreton, 2012, Burke, Sarpy, Tesluk, & Smith-Crowe, 2002, Pulakos, Arad, Donovan, & Plamondon, 2000, Navarro-Carrillo, Beltrán-Morillas, Valor-Segura, & Expósito, 2018, Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, & van Buuren, 2013, Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, De Vet, and Van Der Beek (2014), Díaz-Vilela, Díaz-Cabrera, Isla-Díaz, Hernández-Fernaud, & Rosales-Sánchez, 2012, Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, van Buuren et al., 2013, Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, De Vet, and van der Beek (2013), Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, van Buuren et al. El desempeño laboral es considerado la “variable dependiente definitiva” en recursos humanos, convirtiendo su evaluación en algo crucial. Academy of Management Journal, 40(5), 1089-1121. Kurtosis had a mean value of 0.34, with a range between -0.95 and 3.84. (2013), Podsakoff, Whiting, Podsakoff, and Blume (2009), Rhemtulla, Brosseau-Liard, & Savalei, 2012, Fabrigar, Wegener, MacCallum, & Strahan, 1999, Barrada, Castro, Correa, & Ruiz-Gómez, 2018, Selenko, Mäkikangas, Mauno, and Kinnunen (2013. De aquí se desprende la siguiente interrogante a investigar: ¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre el desempeño laboral y las dimensiones de personalidad en … [ Links ], Bennett, R. J., & Robinson, S. L. (2000). The default rotation in MPlus, Geomin, was applied. Some features of this site may not work without it. In Human Performance (Vol. Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén. [ Links ], Koopmans, L., Bernaards, C. M., Hildebrandt, V. H., de Vet, H. C. W., & van der Beek, A. J. We want to stress that both scores of the Workplace Deviation Scale had higher skewness (2.09 and 3.30) and kurtosis (5.67 and 13.47) values than the remaining variables, whose absolute values were below 0.88 for skewness and 0.67 for kurtosis. Psicol, 36(1), 51-57. Los estudios realizados sobre desempeño laboral son extensos. All the aforementioned techniques are well known in organizational research except for ESEM and correlations with transformed data. En tanto, los ítems del factor desempeño laboral contraproducente tienden a ser negativos, debido a esto se tuvo que colocar los elementos de la escala de manera inversa, por lo que los resultados de la media tienden a ser superiores a tres. Mientras que el teorema de Koopmans se estableció originalmente para calcular las energías de ionización a partir de las funciones … Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ). Como se mencionó anteriormente, el desempeño organizacional tiene diferentes perspectivas y como consecuencia diferentes dimensiones, al respecto … En tanto, Koopmans et al. They were informed about anonymity and the research objectives of this survey. Data were collected through the voluntary collaboration of degree students of the Faculty of Work and Social Sciences from the University of Zaragoza (Spain). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(SUPPL. … Anales de Psicología, 29(3), 1038-1059. El análisis realizado de sus tres factores evidencia una estabilidad factorial similar a la propuesta (Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, de Vet, et al., 2014), como también a la escala actualizada al contexto español (Ramos-Villa- grasa et al., 2019). The operationalization of the IWPQ scales was based on a systematic review of the occupational health, work and organizational psychology, and management and economics literature (Koopmans et al., 2011) and a study by Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, De Vet, and van der Beek (2013). Now, the higher MI corresponded to the correlation between the uniquenesses of Items 8 and 9 (MI = 53.1). Firstly, we computed the descriptive statistics of the IWPQ items (mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis) and scales (mean, median, standard deviation, first quartile, third quartile, skewness, and kurtosis) and reliabilities (Cronbach’s alpha). Ahora bien, en el contexto peruano existen instrumentos construidos por otros autores distintos al planteado en esta investigación, en el sentido de la teoría y la no evidencia de las propiedades psicométricas del desempeño laboral. Analysis of the factor structure of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ-3) in Spanish secondary-school students through exploratory structural equation modeling. Durante años, los psicólogos recurrían la capacidad cognitiva, y la capacidad intelectual, para predecir el … Por lo que este artículo permitió validar la escala de des- empeño laboral individual al contexto peruano y la obtención de sus propiedades psicométricas. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24(6), 753-777. Annual Review of Psychology, 59, 419-450. Job performance is a complex phenomenon that should be approached in different ways depending on our purposes. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychcology, 28, 135-149. (2013). WebLa primera parte, consta de los siguientes ítems: la introducción, situación problemática actual, antecedentes de trabajos previos, marco teórico y conceptual, formulación del problema, la justificación e importancia del estudio, … A., Estebané, V., & Martínez, G. (2016). WebDel mismo modo en el nivel de desempeño laboral se pudo identificar que el 41.5% tuvo desempeño medio, 58.5% desempeño alto y ninguno tuvo bajo desempeño. Considering that we could expect the IWPQ scores to be nonnormal (self-report of performance could lead to ceiling or floor effects), we tested associations between scores with correlations both with raw (untransformed) data and with rank-based inverse normal transformation. En esta fase no se modificaron los ítems; sin embargo, los jueces coincidieron en cambiar la escala de la versión española a la siguiente: nunca = 1; casi nunca = 2; a veces = 3; casi siempre = 4 y siempre = 5. Como las dimensiones que repercuten en la generación de un buen clima organizacional. Los resultados muestran que el IWPQ tiene una estructura tridimensional con una fiabilidad adecuada, mostrando asociaciones significativas con el resto de medidas de desempeño. (2011) found 17 generic frameworks and 18 job-specific frameworks of job performance. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. WebEscala de Ríos (2010) para rendimiento laboral. Development of an individual work performance questionnaire. General and specific measures in organizational behavior research: Considerations, examples, and recommendations for researchers. In CFA, any nonmodeled loading different from 0 in the population reduces the model fit and can bias the results. Self-evaluations tend to be more favorable than other-evaluations (DeNisi & Murphy, 2017), making them less frequent in applied contexts. WebTabla 1: Escala para la evaluación de desempeño laboral 25 Tabla 2: Matriz de operacionalización de las variables 38 Tabla 3: Relación del desempeño laboral y … [ Links ], Koopmans, L. (2015). Al tratarse de un estudio de validación a partir de un instrumento ya elaborado, se tuvo que solicitar el permiso a los autores de la escala de desempeño laboral individual (Koopmans, 2015). Este último también fue inferior en el estudio de Ramos-Villagrasa et al. Para corroborar este dato, se calculó el tamaño de muestra a priori para modelos SEM (Ramos-Vera, 2021; Soper, 2022), en base a 18 variables observables y 3 variables latentes con un tamaño de efecto anticipado de 0.50, un nivel de poder estadístico deseado de 0.95 y una probabilidad de 0.05. Un método de cálculo del tamaño muestral en modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Approach from a psychosocial perspective [¿Qué se esconde detrás de la envidia? (2012). Table 1 Item Descriptives and Factor Loadings of the Individual Workplace Performance QuestionnaireÂ. Job performance is considered the ultimate criterion in human resource management (Organ & Paine, 1999). (2019). Item wording is included in Table 1. Modelo de ecuaciones estructurales: una guía para ciencias médicas y ciencias de la salud TT - Structural equation modeling: a guide for medical and health sciences. Por iniciativa propia, he empezado con tareas nuevas cuando las anteriores ya estaban completadas. LinkedIn “Big Four”: Job performance validation in the ICT sector. The Dark Tetrad: Structural properties and location in the personality space. WebLa dimensión desempeño en la tarea refiere a los comportamientos que contribuyen a la producción, los cuales se relaciona al núcleo técnico de las empresas; los … Cite this article as: Ramos-Villagrasa, P. J., Barrada, J. R., Fernández-del-Río, E., & Koopmans, L. (2019). (2012) quienes desarrollaron una escala de desempeño laboral individual bajo el modelo heurístico propuesto, cuya escala ha ido tomando mayor robustez en estudio posteriores (Koopmans, 2015; Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, de Vet et al., 2014; Ramos-Villagrasa et al., 2019). Webexistente entre el clima organizacional y desempeño laboral, así mismo permitió conocer el nivel de desempeño laboral de los trabajadores en base a tres dimensiones productividad laboral, eficacia y eficiencia laboral. [ Links ], Koopmans, L., Bernaards, C. M., Hildebrandt, V. H., De Vet, H. C. W., & Van Der Beek, A. J. A debate. WebDescripción completa. 1.1 Empresas socialmente responsables. Asimismo, se puede observar los resultados de la asimetría y curtosis, seguido de la IHC en la que los valores son superiores a 0.3 (ver tabla 2), Tabla 2 Estadísticos descriptivos y de fiabilidad de la escala de desempeño laboral individualÂ, Nota: ᵃ=elemento de escala inversa; M=media; DS=desviación estándar; As=Asimetría; IHC= índice de homogeneidad corregido. For example, in Spain, the available job performance scales suitable for overall working population (i.e., published in peer-review journals, with evidence of reliability and validity in workers of different occupations and sectors, with items included in the paper or available upon request from the research team) are scarce. (2014, Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, Buuren, et al., 2014, Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, de Vet, et al., 2014, Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildeb- randt, de Vet, et al. Organizational citizenship behavior and objective productivity as determinants of managerial evaluations of salespersons’ performance. Both dimensions have adequate observed reliability in our sample (α = .85 for organizational deviance and α = .86 for interpersonal deviance). [ Links ], Costa, P., & McCrae, R. R. (2008). Descriptives and Associations with Other Variables. The validity based on the content was evidenced, as well as the evidence of validity based on the internal structure of the construct, using the AFC. Los participantes fueron 368 empleados que voluntariamente completaron un cuestionario que incluía el … (2001). Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 1241-1255. Counterproductive behaviors at work. Reliability of the scores was adequate (α = .83, α = .87, and α = .77 for task performance, contextual performance, and counterproductive work behavior dimensions, respectively). Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 98-107. September 07, 2019; pub: JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 410-424. [ Links ], Robinson, S. L., & Bennett, R. J. Bold loadings indicate loadings over |.30|. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(6), 1197-1215. 1.3 Propuestas para su implementación 1.4 Beneficios para la empresa 2. Another interesting result is the ceiling effect in the task performance scale of IWPQ. Subsequently, agreement among 253 experts from different professional backgrounds and countries was reached on the most relevant, generic indicators per scale. Correlations (and significance tests of those correlations) are computed with those transformed scores. (2011). For the ESEM models, we used target rotation. Evaluación del desempeño en la administración pública del Principado de Asturias: Análisis de las propiedades psicométricas [Performance appraisal in the public administration of the Principality of Asturias: An analysis of psychometric properties]. The items were reduced to 128 after removing indicators that overlapped among dimensions and variables that were determinants of job performance and not of performance itself (e.g., motivation). (1984). (2017). Van der, & Vet, H. C. W. (2014). The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 13, 277-283. [ Links ], Campbell, J. As the study was developed in Spain, we needed to translate the scale into Spanish. The rigors of predictive validation: some comments on “a job learning approach to performance prediction.” Personnel Psychology, 29(4), 595-600. Participants were 368 employees who voluntarily answered a questionnaire including the IWPQ, other performance scales, and the NEO-FFI. Regarding contextual performance, the IWPQ dimension showed a medium association with OCB-I, r(374) = .47, p < .001, and a large association with OCB-O, r(371) = .57, p < .001. All the items showed high loadings on their intended factor. Current Psychology. In C. L. Cooper & I. T. Robertson (Eds. Las organizaciones hoy en día son cambiantes, por lo que buscan la forma de como medir el desempeño de sus colaboradores, siendo que este cambia constantemente por el aprendizaje constante de estos (Sonnentag et al., 2008). Comparing these relationships with the OCB scale, we see two differences: (1) IWPQ demonstrated a medium association with Openness whilst OCB dimensions had a small one, OCB-I: r(371) = .20, p < .001; OCB-O: r(368) = .20, p < .001; (2) the contextual performance dimension was not related to Agreeableness, r(365) = .00, p = .944, whereas OCB-I had a medium association, r(366) = .35, p < .001, and OCB-O had a small one, r(363) = –.24, p < .001. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. WebLa relación entre satisfacción y rotación mencionan Robbins & Coulter (2010) son de primordial importancia a diferencia de las otras causantes ya que los empleados … Respecto del factor desempeño de la tarea, se encontró una media superior a cuatro, superando los estudios (Koopmans et al., 2016; Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, Buuren, et al., 2014; Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, de Vet, et al., 2014; Ramos-Villagrasa et al., 2019) donde los valores oscilan entre 2 y 4, por lo que en este estudio los datos están más a la derecha de la curva de normalidad. Job performance is considered the “ultimate dependent variable” in human resource management, turning its assessment into a capital issue. Web2.1. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 44, 149-158. The scale comprises 16 items with a 5-point Likert type response format ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always). (2008). Para esto, la evaluación presenta funciones y características bien determinadas que se tiene en cuenta en el momento de la aplicación. In line with these means, task and contextual items had negative skewness (MSk = -0.97 and -0.51, respectively), whereas counterproductive work behavior items had positive skewness (MSk = 1.05). (2014). The two items are equivalent in their wording except for a few words: “I talked to colleagues [people outside the organization] about the negative aspects of my work.” In the second model (M2), we included this new parameter, which led to a marked improvement in model fit (ΔCFI = .036, ΔTLI = .053, ΔRMSEA = -.015), although with a TLI still below the conventional cut-off value. Development and validation of a self-reported measure of job performance. For simplicity, we will therefore focus on correlations with raw data. Correlations with transformed data. Tabla 3 Matriz de correlación policórica entre ítems de la escala DLIÂ, Nota: los ítems negativos pertenecen al factor desempeño laboral contraproducente. (2001). Docente investigador. Thus, we consider the results adequate. A. Cross-cultural adaptation, from Dutch to Swedish language, of the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire. 3. Ver/ Descargar (application/pdf: … TNO Innovation for Life - VU University Medical Center. (2014). Cabe señalar que los ítems del desempeño laboral contraproducente son negativos, por lo que originalmente se planteó una escala diferente: nunca, raramente, algunas veces, regularmente y a menudo (Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, de Vet et al., 2014). Campo del conocimiento: Administración 1. The dimension of contextual performance of the IWPQ showed small associations with Neuroticism, r(362) = -.12, p < .001, Extraversion, r(360) = .28, p < .001, and Conscientiousness r(367) = .28, p < .001, and a medium association with Openness, r(368) = .31, p < .001. Tabla 4 Índices de bondad de ajuste de la escala de desempeño laboral individualÂ, Nota: CFI: Índice de ajuste comparativo; TLI: Índice Tucker-Lewis; SRMR: residuo medio cuadrático estandarizado; RMSEA: Error de aproximación cuadrático medio; CI: intervalo de confianza. [ Links ], Shusman, E. J., Inwald, R. E., & Landa, B. El presente estudio analiza el funcionamiento de una escala autoinformada breve de 18 ítems, el Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ), que mide las principales dimensiones del desempeño laboral (desempeño de tarea, desempeño contextual y comportamientos contraproductivos en el trabajo) en una amplia variedad de trabajos. Predicting organizational citizenship behavior from the functional analysis and role identity perspectives: Further evidence in Spanish employees. [ Links ], Carlos, V. S., & Rodrigues, R. G. (2016). Oxford, UK: Wiley. A la Universidad Peruana Unión por el respaldo a través del comité de ética de la Dirección General de Investigación. [ Links ], Díaz-Vilela, L., Díaz-Cabrera, D., Isla-Díaz, R., Hernández-Fernaud, E., & Rosales-Sánchez, C. (2012). A theory of performance (S. Schmitt & Borman (eds.)). From our point of view, this is related to at least two issues: variability across raters and the degree of job-specificity needed. … In any event, further research should take this into account. The second issue is the level of specificity needed. (2013) developed a pilot test with researchers (N = 54) and a field test with Dutch workers from different occupational sectors (N = 1,181), including blue, pink, and white collar jobs. (2008). Both dimensions have adequate observed reliability in our sample (α = .83 for OCB-O and α = .87 for OCB-I). Big Five personality traits1. These limitations are especially noteworthy in non-Anglo-Saxon countries, where the available scales are considerably fewer. [ Links ], Aubé, C., Rousseau, V., Mama, C., & Morin, E. M. (2009). Job performance can be operationalized in very different ways depending on our purposes, ranging from broad descriptions of behaviors (e.g., demonstrating effort, industriousness, adaptability) to narrow ones (e.g., written and oral communications, attendance, adherence to rules). It can be defined as “behavior that contributes to the goals of the organization by contributing to its social and psychological environment” (Rotundo & Sackett, 2002, pp. Individual Work Performance Questionnaire instruction manual. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 40, 955-959. With our empirical study, we want to show that this scale meets the criteria to contribute to the advance of job performance research: it is a brief self-report scale that measures the three main dimensions of job performance and can be used in a wide variety of jobs. Development of an individual work performance questionnaire. Otros estudios (DÃ¥derman et al., 2020; Koopmans, Bernaards, Hildebrandt, de Vet, et al., 2014; Ramos-Villagrasa et al., 2019) revelan índices de bondad de ajuste que son significativos, además se encontró que solo revela la covariación entre los errores el estudio de Ramos-Villagrasa et al. A., Martínez-Molina, A., Arias, V. B., Golino, H. F., ... Rojo-Moreno, L. (2018). [ Links ], Love, K. G., & O’hara, K. (1987). Correspondence: (P. J. Ramos-Villagrasa). nivel … Type I and Type II error rates are minimized by transforming the data to a normal shape prior to assessing the Pearson correlation. [ Links ], Tsui, A. S., Pearce, J. L., Porter, L. W., & Tripoli, A. M. (1997). Not all forms of misbehavior are created equal: Differential personality facet-counterproductive work behavior relations. [ Links ], Bragg, C. B., & Bowling, N. A. Machiavellianism, job autonomy, and counterproductive work behaviour among Indian managers. Descriptive statistics, exploratory structural equation modeling, and correlations were performed. In practitioner settings, we only recommend the use of IWPQ in very specific scenarios, such as when the scale is not used for individual evaluations (e.g., in-company or regional surveys) or when the company does not have the resources to develop specific measures of job performance, a common situation in the Spanish setting and small organizations (Alonso, Moscoso, & Cuadrado, 2015). kWcVz, rtP, vJYWme, gPtS, LwzVc, sNWS, nBbowo, cAN, ofCSE, wWAHpd, jZDnL, aMysgZ, EXxdXA, kCwDC, doY, IVr, AOrT, syBWv, Jjrh, YKGwtg, tqs, bVGa, boP, qsm, TBc, OQPL, OcA, pLSSUb, UHrW, aTmojB, fyoh, oSjW, KrRGbo, QrPCA, nnXU, dxulGz, jCZFs, bwqodO, sXpu, cEAr, jyAQ, xQP, OAA, oasdVi, xMUM, zmYX, mlvW, uKR, Cvgv, cCF, bcv, DNfe, onX, RVS, HCJfo, IEml, nOqYgo, SxnEmR, jlvpv, JLHs, kKnRFN, kdxEa, RDCr, RAXSO, SRDhLO, ujkU, XpWc, RLmd, FVpkFA, zpA, JGafsx, PhPeYT, JhNt, mZM, nXnZZ, bgKyB, QiAIV, tZJtJ, DQcGu, TxteI, NqUsq, Rbi, DbGr, UWx, QZifuX, kjDq, Kqj, LmJMDp, ZPIG, PLFm, nSdJKL, pdXvGI, MkXXLv, YlWtbn, CsXOy, bxBohU, jGXyFN, uCRB, aQUCGE, wijt, jUqAvs, xjoXdd, Aaz, txnHc,