For my money, she knocks dreary old Nostradamus and his obscure… Baba Vanga 'saw' may natural disasters and ... Baba’s predictions have been revisited ... We’ve also apparently got a change in the Earth’s orbit to … Temperatures in India will reach 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees F), causing locusts to attack crops and agricultural plots, resulting in an immense famine. "I see the numbers 100, 5, and many zeros." Assista a conteúdos populares dos seguintes criadores: Lavinia Raluk ... 338 Comments. La voyante bulgare Baba Vanga, morte il y a plus de 25 ans, avait prédit le 11 septembre. September mit den Worten voraus: „Schrecklich, schrecklich: Die amerikanischen Zwillinge werden fallen, nachdem sie von zwei stählernen Vögeln angegriffen werden. 2023: De baan van de aarde zal veranderen. 2123 – Wars between small countries. Nobody can stop Russia." Baba Vanga 2022 Predictions. V roce 2025 vymizí život v Evropě. However, she has penned down prophecies that will go as far as 5079 — which she claims would be the end of the universe. Vanga, who was born in Bulgaria in 1911 and died in 1996 aged 85, spent most of her life in the Kozhuh mountains and was renowned the world over for her prophetic predictions about the future. An increase in catastrophes. It is said that this Bulgarian mystic happens to be blind from her childhood but has made the predictions out of which many have come true reportedly. Její život je opředen různými mýty. Natural disasters. Descubra vídeos curtos sobre baba vanga 2023 previsão no TikTok. Vanga has left behind predictions that run until 5079. According to Baba Vanga, temperatures in India will exceed 50° C that will lead to locust attacks on crops and agricultural areas, causing famine. HIGHLIGHTS. She died on the 11th August in 1996. According to, check out some major predictions of 2022 by Baba Vanga: Baba Vanga is a Bulgarian 'clairvoyant' who supposedly predicted 9/11, Barack Obama's election and Brexit. Predicțiile pentru 2023 sunt departe de a fi optimiste: Les prédictions de Baba Vanga pour 2022. Baba Vanga 2022 predictions. 1. For 2022, Vanga predicted that several Asian countries and Australia will be hit with "intense bouts of floods". In fact, Vanga did not predict big shocks to the world - no wars, no new diseases in 2022. "I see the numbers 100, 5, and many zeros." She was born on October … Natural disasters. Many people believe Baba Vanga's predictions continue to come true following her death in 1996. Baba Vanga is a blind Bulgarian mystic and clairvoyant. Baba Vanga, a blind clairvoyant from the Balkans whose prophecies are supposedly still coming true 25 years after her death, has a number of predictions for 2022. Los hermanos estadounidenses caerán después de ser atacados por los pájaros de … 2023: the orbit of the earth will change (even though no one knows what this means). BLIND mystic Baba Vanga said Donald Trump "will go deaf, have brain trauma and get a mysterious disease" in her 2021 predictions. Para Baba Vanga el Armagedón tendrá lugar dentro de casi tres mil cien años, por lo que el fin del mundo no llegará sino hasta el 5.079. Baba Vanga fez previsões assustadoras para o ano de 2022 (Reprodução / The Mirror) Por Mariana Lienemann. She claimed that "A strong dragon will seize humanity. Algunas predicciones acertadas que hizo la vidente. The three giants will unite. Bien qu’il semble parfois envisager une troisième guerre mondiale, ce n’est donc pas ce qui causera la fin de l’espèce humaine. Baba Vanga, det blinda oraklet från Balkan, lyckades redan på 1950-talet förutspå tsunamin, klimatförändringarna, terrorattacken 9/11, sänkningen av ubåten Kursk, Fukushima och att Obama skulle bli USA:s president. For 2021, Baba Vanga predicted significant seismic and volcanic activity, as well as floods and storms. The globally renowned blind Bulgarian mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist is still today famous in the world for rightly predicting the date of Joseph Stalin's death, the September 11 attacks, death of Yugoslav actress and singer Silvana Armenulić and many more things. While a great deal of skepticism has always surrounded the accuracy of these predictions, many people remain adamant that she had successfully foretold a wide range of major global … Para a médium, o asteroide seria uma “sonda” alienígena que antecipou o ataque previsto para 2022. Blind mystic Baba Vanga’s troubling predictions for 2022 Back to video. 2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. A big country will carry out research and testing activities of biological weapons on people. Baba Vanga’s prophecies are 85% correct. The list has a prediction for 2018 that translates to say – “ New China becomes a world power. 0 views. La prédiction la plus bizarre de Baba Vanga pour l’année 2021 est qu’un dragon va prendre le contrôle de la planète. Many people believe Baba Vanga's predictions continue to come true following her death in 1996. 671. parallel_thoughts01 ... predicciones 2023 baba vanga. Baba Vanga's predictions are said to be 85 percent accurate About Russia, Baba Vanga said that the country under current president Putin will be unstoppable. There’s a climate change theme running through Baba Vanga’s predictions for 2022 and none of them are remotely positive. 1. Je vois les nombres 100, 5, et beaucoup de zéros. [Blind prophet’s chilling predictions ] * 2023: … The supposed clairvoyant predicted that the world will suffer from 'a lot of cataclysms and great disasters' in 2021 as three 'giants' unite and a 'strong dragon' seizes humanity, according to the British magazine. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons. Her predictions also reportedly talked of the rise of Islamic State, and — according to various reports — that the 44th president of the US would be an African-American. (People will be reminded of Vanga again) 2130 – Colonies under water (advices from aliens) 2154 – Animals become half-humans. Vanga also correctly predicted global events like Al Qaeda's attack in America, Brexit and others. Nobody can stop Russia," she had added. En cause : la pollution des lacs et des rivières qui aggraverait la crise de l’eau au niveau mondial. Baba Vanga was an elderly Bulgarian lady, who came out with some fascinating, not to say disturbing, prophecies for the next 500 years. Blind clairvoyant Baba Vanga's predictions have often been scarily accurate. 4. Here are Baba Vanga's five predictions for 2023. previsoes de baba vanga para 2021. She believed that the world would end by this year. Some people will have red money. The famous soothsayer Baba Vanga claims that in 2023, the doctors will perform a series of human experiments that will lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Baba Vanga's success rate for predictions has been as high as 85 percent, as per reports. Her chilling prediction states: “Everyone will put their hopes in him to end it, but the opposite will happen; he will bring the country down and conflicts between north and south states will escalate.” 28/12/2021 - 11h06min Atualizada em 04/01/2022 - 09h56min. 2028: Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction) Hunger is gradually being overcome. Blind mystic Baba Vanga’s troubling predictions for 2022 Back to video. According to international media, … For the latest from trending, click here. Big countries don’t get evolved. Interestingly, we have come across a list of Baba Vanga predictions between 2010 – 5079 that appeared online since at least 2010. Certaines se sont déjà révélées exactes ! Russia would become the "lord of the world" whereas Europe would become a "wasteland", Baba Vanga told writer Valentin Sidorov. The three giants will unite. Natural Disasters In 2022 For 2022, astrologer Susan Taylor told MSN there were six concerning events the clairvoyant predicted would unfold. Five predictions Baba Vanga got right. Certaines se sont déjà révélées exactes ! 883.1K views. But in these times, stranger things have happened than a wild prediction coming true. Certaines de ses prédictions se sont réalisées, d'autres non. Baba Vanga a prédit qu’en 2022, il y aura « des épisodes intenses d’inondations » dans plusieurs pays asiatiques et en Australie. 0 views. Baba Vanga is a well-known Bulgarian mystic who passed away in 1996. When it was first spotted, many researchers including Harvard University’s Avi Loeb posited that the object was an alien spaceship. The mystic, who lost her sight when she was just 12, envisaged natural disasters, a water crisis and an alien invasion by the end of next year. Baba Vanga’s predictions for 2022 1) An increase in catastrophes, including earthquakes and tsunamis. According to Nostradamus predictions for 2022, inflation will spiral out of control and the US dollar will collapse and gold, silver, and bitcoin will be considered assets in which it is worth investing more money. Wednesday, 25 May 2022. Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. Six Baba Vanga's predictions for 2022 Earthquakes and tsunamis . Netizens are now discussing the implications of Baba Vanga's prediction about Russia. 2025 — Europe will be deserted. COMPARTILHE: Vanga's predictions cover a period spanning from her own times up until 5079. "All will thaw, as if ice, only one remain untouched – Vladimir’s glory, the glory of Russia," she said in a possible reference to Putin, adding, "Too much it is brought in a victim. Bulgarian psychic. For the uninitiated, Baba Vanga's real name was Vangelia Gushterova. Baba Vanga, one of the most famous clairvoyants, revealed five terrifying prophecies for 2022. Baba Vanga hizo sus predicciones y señaló que en el 2022 sucederán algunos eventos infortunados | Gente | For 2022, Vanga predicted that several Asian countries and Australia will be hit with "intense bouts of floods". The US Dollar Will Collapse. Here are Baba Vanga's five predictions for 2023 1. She's gotten a few things right here and there (Barack Obama's presidency, Brexit... you know, nothing huge!) Temperatures in India will reach 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees F), causing locusts to attack crops and agricultural plots, resulting in an immense famine. Vanga, vlastním jménem Vangelija Pandeva Dimitrova - Gušterova ( 31. ledna 1911 Strumica – 11. srpna 1996 Sofie ), byla bulharská nevidomá věštkyně . Androids breed with … A blind psychic, who is world-renowned for her surprising success rate, is speaking from beyond the grave after dying in 1996. 2111 – People become robots. 2028 — A … Though she passed away in the year 1996, she made predictions till the year 5079. Augmentation des catastrophes naturelles, notamment des tremblements de terre et des tsunamis. L'une, en fait, concernait une maladie qui aurait touché Donald Trump dans le cerveau mais qui ne s'est pas réalisée. Baba Vanga. People will spend more time on screen and not in reality. In 1989 Baba Vanga said: “American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds… and innocent blood will be gushing.”. Patrick Knox; 11:53 ET, Dec 31 2021; A BLIND mystic who is believed to have predicted 9/11 has reportedly prophesied a new lethal virus and an alien invasion for 2022. Une chute d’astéroïdes ou de météorites détruiront la planète. ... As you can imagine, this is only a small portion of many of Baba Vanga's predictions. Self-proclaimed ‘messenger of God’ Horacio Villegas believes nuclear war will break out on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima. In this video I will provide all the predictions by Baba Vanga that I was able to find. The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has left the entire world distressed. When we talk about world predictions, it seems like the natural disasters are always there. A … Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons. For the uninitiated, Baba Vanga's real name was Vangelia Gushterova.