Gerhard Hindenlang was born 1916 in Berlin. Infanteriedivision der Wehrmacht, Generalmajor Friedrich Roske, und dem Stabschef der 6. He Converted to Communism while in captivity and was released in 1953. Lieutenant-General Martin Fiebig, commander of Fliegerkorps VIII, the Luftwaffe corps responsible for air operations in the Stalingrad sector, warned Major-General Schmidt, Sixth Army’s chief of staff, that supplying an entire army by air was impossible, particularly when most transport aircraft were already heavily committed in North Africa. He was not able to walk anymore and was brought to the divisional doctor, Oberstarzt Dr. Karl Uhrmacher (missing in Stalingrad since end January 1943). Schmidt suffered a life threating jaundice. Dr. Karl Uhrmacher and the 6. Charakter als General der Artillerie bei der Verabschiedung, ging später zur Luftwaffe und wurde 1935 General der Flieger, 1940 wieder in General der Artillerie umbenannt, 1943 … Er erreichte den Rang des General während des Zweiten Weltkriegs, und ist am besten bekannt für seine Rolle als die Sechste Armee ‚s Stabschef in der Schlacht von Stalingrad 1942/43, in deren Endphase er de facto Kommandant wurde, und spielte eine große Rolle bei der Ausführung von Hitlers Befehl, trotz der Einkesselung durch die Rote Armee standhaft zu bleiben . Armee, General Arthur Schmidt, empfangen. It came more than a year after the Nazi's invaded Russia in Operation Barbarossa. In seinem Buch „Kursk 1943. Edmund Wachenfeld. 1942. Officier supérieur au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il s'y est notamment illustré à la tête la 2e armée, une formation de blindés qui a opéré sur le front de l'Est. 110.000 deutsche Soldaten gingen in ... Schlacht von Stalingrad: Eine Lüge kostete 100.000 ... 17:26 | Ann Schmidt. ... Fritz Reiser. Slaget om Stalingrad startet den 23. august 1942 og sluttet den 2. februar 1943. Armee in Stalingrad mit dem Chef seines Stabes, Generalleutnant Schmidt,... Offizier, Generalfeldmarschall; D- General P. In Stalingrad mit dem Kommandeur des 4. La 6e armée (en allemand : 6. Armee. Tyskerne hadde beleiret den sør-russiske byen Stalingrad, som i dag heter Volgograd. Arthur Schmidt (25 October 1895 – 5 November 1987) was an officer in the German military from 1914 to 1943. Hello Remy! Tyskerne hadde beleiret den sør-russiske byen Stalingrad, som i dag heter Volgograd. General Stempel, the commander of the 371st Infantry Division, shot himself, as did a number of other officers as the enemy seized the south of Stalingrad up to the Tsaritsa river. Rudolf Schmidt, né le 12 mai 1886 à Berlin et mort le 7 avril 1957 à Krefeld, est un militaire allemand. Advancing to the east meant Lebensraum (space to live) for the Germans to him. Februar 1943 – Entscheidung in Stalingrad. They asked what were our terms, and told them they were complete surrender as outlined by our command several days earlier. He attained the rank of Generalleutnant during World War II, and is best known for his role as the Sixth Army's chief of staff in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942–43, during the final stages of which he became its de facto commander, playing a large role in executing Hitler's … 6. Germans fire the 105 mm howitzer leFH 18 in the area of the grain elevator. Obwohl er ursprünglich aus der Nachrichtentruppe hervorgegangen war, gehörte er in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus zu den führenden Fachleuten der Panzertruppe. Friedrich Paulus. ... Battle of stalingrad. Stalingrad, Soviet Union (USSR). Oktober 1932. wurde Generaloberst. Deckert, Gerhard Dorn, Ulrich Miltzow, Hermann Schmidt, Otto . This arm shield (left), showing the Grain Elevator, was designed by General Paulus, Commander of 6th Army, to be worn by all soldiers of the 6th Army after the victory at Stalingrad. Schmidt suffered a life threating jaundice. by Doktor Krollspell » Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:14 pm. Folge 107: Rudolf Schmidt - General mit Empathie Stalingrad Podcast May 13 2022 • 20 mins "Ihre Kriegserfahrung trägt ein Spatz auf dem Schwanz weg" sagte Rudolf Schmidt 1943 zu Adolf Hitler. The Battle of Stalingrad was fought during the Second World War between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.They were fighting for control of the city of Stalingrad. A-Schmidt= For the consolidation of the southfront it was essential that the 6th Army remain in Stalingrad to blockade and occupy the surrounding Russian forces as long as possible. A firefighter by profession, he volunteered into the German army in 1939. On 26 January at dawn, tanks of the 21st Army met up with Rodimtsev’s 13th Guards Rifle Division north of the Mamaev Kurgan, near the Red October workers’ settlements. De nøyaktige tapstallene ved Stalingrad vites ikke, men samlet sett nærmer tallet seg trolig en million døde, sårede og tilfangetatte. Among those noted are Brigadier General Demitriu, Lieutenant General Schlemmer, Major General Von Drebber and Lieutenant General Von Daniel. Doch der Obebefehlshaber der 6. Schmidt diente während des Ersten Weltkrieges im preußischen Heer und machte dann Karriere in Reichswehr und Wehrmacht. "Ihre Kriegserfahrung trägt ein Spatz auf dem Schwanz weg" sagte Rudolf Schmidt 1943 zu Adolf Hitler. German Officer Biography for Arthur Schmidt. Hitler ordered to design a Stalingrad Shield. Food was the biggest concern inside the Kessel. Stalingrad: – Hit, men ikke lenger. Armee gesagt. Hans-Thilo Schmidt (brother) Rudolf Schmidt (12 May 1886 – 7 April 1957) was a general in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II who commanded the 2nd Panzer Army on the Eastern Front. Infanteriedivision der Wehrmacht, Generalmajor Friedrich Roske, und dem Stabschef der 6. Trouble was this was granted on 24th January, after the last landing strip was lost. Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (left), former commander of the 6th Army at Stalingrad with his chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Arthur Schmidt (center), and his aide, Col. William Adam, after their surrender to Soviet forces in January 1943. soon reduced to 500 tons per day). November 1914 zum Fähnrich befördert. Men vid Stalingrad förlorade Friedrich Paulus trots att han ledde andra världskrigets mäktigaste armé. Arthur Schmidt (25. oktober 1895 – 5. november 1987) var officer i det tyske militær fra 1914 til 1943. Full title reads: "LIBERATION OF STALINGRAD - PATHE GAZETTE EPIC RECORD". Die Unterhändler wurden vom Kommandeur der 71. Slaget om Stalingrad inleddes den 23 augusti 1942 och avslutades den 2 februari 1943. De omsingeling van de 6. Men general Paulus står fast. Died : 5 November 1987 – Karlsruhe - Germany : Military career. Transcript striderna i Stalingrad. January 31, 1943, Beketovka, near Stalingrad. September 1942. Tyskerne havde belejret den sydrussiske by Stalingrad, der i dag hedder Volgograd. Het einde. Bei diesem entschied er sich dann für die Offizierslaufbahn und wurde dann am 1. He was a First Lieutenant in the 71 st Infantry Division that spearheaded the attack into Stalingrad in September 1942. Hitler had already described this idea in his political work Mein Kampf. Generalleutnant Arthur Schmidt. Below the one that is sold as 'original'. Schmidt kept running back and forth to Von Paulus as we talked. The ensuing battle was one of the most protracted and bitterly fought conflicts of the Second World War. We will drive the Reds from this city or we will die here. More than five months … The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land battle during World War II that took place from July 17, 1942, to February 2, 1943, between the forces of Nazi Germany and the USSR. Han har lovat Hitler att slåss … Look at the confidence and aggression on the face of the soldiers. Endast en reträtt kan rädda de 330 000 soldaterna. Kommandierender General XIV. Januar, eines Sonntags, verhandelte Roske in Anwesenheit, jedoch ohne Beteiligung von Schmidt die Übergabe des südlichen Kessels von … On the morning of January 22nd, Gerhard Münch was flown out of the makeshift airfield of Stalingradsky (the Red Army had at that time already captured Gumrak Airport). For 75 år siden overga en tysk feltmarskalk seg, noe som ikke hadde skjedd tidligere i andre verdenskrig. Söndagen den 31 januari 1943 grydde grå och kall över de snötäckta ruinerna av Stalingrad. The battle of Stalingrad, fought between Stalin’s Red Army and Hitler’s forces from August 1942 to February 1943, ... 4 February. Walther von Seydlitz, der Realist von Stalingrad, wird achtzig Jahre alt 9. The certificate that authorized Münch to leave Stalingrad by plane. He said that he had been taken by surprise. Dr. Karl Uhrmacher and the 6. De nøjagtige tabstal ved Stalingrad kendes ikke, men samlet set nærmer tallet sig formentlig omkring 2 millioner døde, sårede og tilfangetagne. From right to left: Friedrich Paulus, General-Feldmarshal, commanding general of 6th Army, Arthur Schmidt, General-lieutenant, Chief of the 6th Army Staff; Wilhelm Adam, Colonel, Adjutant for Gen. Paulus Fahnenjunker : 1 November 1914. General der Panzertruppe Friedrich Paulus (kanan) dan General der Artillerie Walther von Seydlitz-Kurzbach (Kommandierender-General LI.Armee-Korps) di sebelah utara Stalingrad, November 1942. Died 1 February 1957 Dresden. Erich von Bogen. Arthur Schmidt trat am 11. Exakt hur stora förlusterna vid Stalingrad var vet man inte, men sammantaget närmar siffran sig troligen omkring två miljoner döda, sårade och tillfångatagna. Während des … Tyskarna hade belägrat den sydryska staden Stalingrad, som i dag heter Volgograd. Arthur Schmidt (25 October 1895 – 5 November 1987) was an officer in the German military from 1914 to 1943. Stalingrad – Agonie und Irrsinn deutscher Führung. The Battle of Stalingrad took place between July 17, 1942 and February 2, 1943, during the Second World War. Magdeburgisches) Nr. Il a atteint le grade de Generalleutnant pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et est surtout connu pour son rôle de chef d'état-major de la Sixième armée . 14.10 1881 in Berthelsdorf/Saxony. In his opinion, Germany was overpopulated and the nation needed more territory. Instead of focusing his attention on the Soviet Capital of Moscow as his general staff advised, ... with his chief of staff Arthur Schmidt (center) and his aide, Wilhelm Adam (right) after their surrender. The Stalingrad Armshield. Bundesarchiv photo He came out of a peasant’s hut followed by [Chief of Staff General Arthur] Schmidt and [Colonel Wilhelm] Adam, the adjutant of the Army. Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en septembre 1942, Hitler envisage d'envahir Stalingrad, ville clé de l'URSS qui le sépare de la victoire … This schedule is of great importance when analysing the intentions of the German High Command concerning the airlift operation. 5.6.1869 in Buttelbronn/Bavaria. Eberhard Thunert received orders to fly out of the Stalingrad pocket and he left on the evening of 13 January 1943. General Paulus leder sin armé i döden. 26. ... Hans von Witzland. 06_11:Layout 1 2013-01-29 14:28 Sida 6 STALINS STAD – 70 år sedan striderna i Stalingrad av Carl-Henrik Larsson I februari är det 70 år sedan den tyska 6:e armén kapitulerade i Stalingrad efter ett av världshistoriens blodigaste slag, och det innebar början till slutet på andra världskriget. “It simply cannot be done, especially in … Gen Schmidt usłużnie wtrąca, że jest nieaktualna: - Wczoraj z rozkazu Führera gen. von Paulus otrzymał najwyższy stopień wojskowy w Rzeszy - generała feldmarszałka. It did not. Pz-Div im Gedenkbuch Rossoschka verzeichnet Gen-Ltnt APELL Georg von 21.10.1884 ... Gen-Major SCHMIDT Axel 08.08.1888 Rastatt 08.09.1944 Besancon, Frk Kdr 159. Bildet er tatt dagen da tyske styrker la ned våpnene, 2. februar 1943. Author has 19.8K answers and 148.7M answer views Here is a list of the fate of many of the Generals in the 6th Armee German Order of Battle at Stalingrad, plus two Romanian Armies and one Croatian Regiment, the Hungarian 2nd Army and the fate of Italian Generals captured in the ensuing battle. Jochen Nickel. Voor hem betekende oprukken naar het oosten Lebensraum voor de Duitsers. German soldiers and officers drink water at Stalingrad. Na de slag. 30.11.1942 Generaloberst 30.1.1943 Generalfeldmarschall bis Nov. 1953 in sowjetischer ... Armee, Generalleutnant Arthur Schmidt; Seite 19 Häuserkampf in Stalingrad; Ende der Studie. As German officers!” He said flauntingly, as if it was meant to inspire some kind of motivation with the rest of the officers present. Bio includes recipient birth, death, enlistment, branch, service, and award information. Captured German generals before meeting with commander of the 64th Soviet Army general N. Shumilov. In his Stalingrad Novel/Memoir, heinrich Gerlach, a staff member of 14th PzD caught in the kessel, he says that Gen. Schmidt, the 'eminence grise' of 6th army, was finally granted his secret wish: he got a recall to fly out to Rastenberg. Cast (in credits order) verified as complete. General friedrich paulus goes to the headquarters … Magdeburgisches Infanterie-Regiment "Fürst Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau" Nr. Dominique Horwitz. 1. “No,” Schmidt concluded, “the army has been ordered to stand fast at Stalingrad. Battle of Stalingrad The German invasion of the Soviet Union had been a certainty for Adolf Hitler for a long time. Dabei kam der Sohn eines Exporteurs zum 1. Supplies that were flown in were in no way adequate with the figures been flown in far from the required amount, only once did the figure ever reach 300 tons. This was before the tide turned. This tactic,because of its long endurance, made the foreseable advance into Rostov, by the Russians, impossible. There, Major General Roske and Lieutenant General Schmidt stood at the table. Die größte Schlacht des Zweiten Weltkriegs“ widerlegt der Historiker Roman Töppel etliche dieser Irrtümer. Jean-Jacques Annaud Director: Powered by JustWatch: Stalingrad 14th March 2001 Cinema 131 mins 2.35:1: Enemy at the Gates 16th March 2001 Cinema ... General Schmidt: Thomas Rösicke Russian Guard: Toby Cockerell Russian Sharpshooter: Jürgen G.H. um stalingrad ging es zum einen aus deutscher sicht, zum anderen – in einem abschnitt, der die folgen des krieges für die udssr behandelte – im hinblick auf die sowjetische erinnerungspolitik am beispiel des abgebildeten wolgograder denkmals der „mutter heimat“: „was ist der sinn solcher gedenkstätten aus sowjetischer, was aus ihrer sicht?“ … Answer (1 of 3): Most people only think of Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Paulus with German generals being captured at Stalingrad. When interrogated by the Soviets, Paulus claimed that he had not surrendered. (And less extemporaneous mistreatment .) Nach dem Krieg wurde er in die Reichswehr übernommen. Soviet forces reached the entrance to the German headquarters in the ruined TSUM - Central Stalingrad Department Store. General Schmidt negotiated a surrender of the headquarters while Paulus waited in another room. Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (left), former commander of the 6th Army at Stalingrad with his chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Arthur Schmidt (center), and his aide, Col. William Adam, after their surrender to Soviet forces in January 1943. Bundesarchiv photo I Stalingrad håller tyskarnas 6:e armé på att utplånas av kölden och Röda armén. He was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves . Born : 25 October 1895 - Hamburg - Germany. Paulus meneropong situasi di front pertempuran melalui Scherenfernrohr, atau yang lebih populer disebut sebagai "teropong gunting". 30. It was one of the most important battles of the war because it marked the end of … The six captured men were principals at the little-known Dulag-205, a transit camp the Wehrmacht erected at Stalingrad for Soviet prisoners of war pending westward deportation to less extemporaneous prisons. Es war die Leichen-Rede auf die Stalingrad-Kämpfer. But what is wrong Fuhrer and that was the cause of his end? Germany got support from Italy,Hungary,Croatia and Romania.The battle was fought between 23 August 1942 and 2 February 1943. This history of the pivotal WWII Battle of Stalingrad reveals newly translated firsthand accounts from Russian and German soldiers as well as civilians. Folge 107: Rudolf Schmidt - General mit Empathie. August 1968, 8:00 Uhr. Colonel General Co-Commander Stalingrad Front Fyodor Tolbukhin: General Commander 57th Army Vasily Chuikov: General Commander 62nd Army Alexander Rodimtsev: 26. Nazi Propaganda: Hitler saw propaganda emerge as a powerful tool of psychological warfare, one that he would use to build the Nazi movement. Armee nach Stalingrad, die Einschließung und der gescheiterte Entsatzversuch ... General der Panzertruppe (rückw. Biographie 10.5.1884 in Hannover. He was the first German General captured by the Russians in Stalingrad on Jan 24 while trying to escape a Russian advance; he was released from Soviet captivity in 1955. Died in 1975. Dr. Hans Spiegelberg - Generalartz, Chief of Surgery for XI ArmeeKorps. Surrendered to the Russians Feb 2, 1943, released from captivity (?) died in Germany in 1975. Listen on Apple Podcasts. General pfeffer - Die besten ... Jahrestag der nationalen Erhebung« Görings Stimme kam. GFM Friedrich Paulus had one daughter and two sons (twins), Ernst Alexander Paulus and Friedrich Paulus. Germany got support from Italy,Hungary,Croatia and Romania.The battle was fought between 23 August 1942 and 2 February 1943. Arthur Schmidt (25 October 1895 – 5 November 1987) was an officer in the German military from 1914 to 1943. General Friedrich Paulus, the commander of the 6th Army, was ordered to capture Stalingrad, a city that controlled the rail and waterway communications of southern Russia. As a result, we shall form hedgehog defenses and expect supplies from the air.” The flak commander, who apparently had no knowledge of Fiebig's previous debate with the army on the matter, was flabbergasted. Panzergeneral und Generaloberst Schmidt war mutig, selbstbewusst, kompetent und führte seine Soldaten mit Herz und Mitgefühl. When Schmidt briefed Maj. Gen. Wolfgang Pickert, the senior Luftwaffe officer in the Stalingrad pocket, about the Sixth Army’s aerial lifeline, Pickert was flabbergasted: “Supply an entire army by the air? Battle Of Stalingrad In the Battle of Stalingrad 1942 – 1943, Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for ... Commander-in-chief of the Don Front The Stalingrad Master General Konstantin Rokossovsky. Il est le frère de l'espion Hans-Thilo Schmidt . The negotiators were met by the commander of the Wehrmacht’s 71st Infantry Division, Maj-Gen Friedrich Roske, and the 6th Army’s chief of staff, Gen. … 02.02.1943 Stalingrad Kdr. Dated January 21, 1943, it was signed by Sixth Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Arthur Schmidt . The plan had in no way been to provide 6 th Army with the full amount of supplies needed. Rudolf Schmidt war ein deutscher Offizier und zuletzt Generaloberst. “Supply an entire army from the air?—absolutely impossible! Panzerkorps Arthur Schmidt: Generalleutnant Chef des Generalstabes 6. Slaget om Stalingrad begyndte 23. august 1942 og sluttede 2. februar 1943. Promoted to captain in January 1943, Hindenlang became adjutant to his regiment’s commander, Friedrich Roske, who in turn was made … A German soldier rests at Stalingrad. We all know what happened to Paulus. General Paulus ledde 6. armén mot undergången. Schmidt kämpfte im Ersten Weltkrieg als Zugführer und Kompaniechef im Infanterie-Regiment „Fürst Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau“ (1. August 1914 als Kriegsfreiwilliger in die Königlich Preußische Armee ein. Various shots of Supreme Commander of German Stalingrad Armies, Field Marshal Paulus, and his Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Schmidt as they are interrogated by Russian Lieutenant General Shumilov inside Red Army … Nodding quickly and speaking in agreement “Yes. Armee, General Arthur Schmidt, empfangen. Hoppmann Russian railroad worker / Polish railroad worker: Hitler had dit idee in zijn politieke geschrift Mein Kampf al beschreven. Ascendió al puesto de Generalleutnant durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.Fue Jefe de Estado Mayor del 6.º Ejército, [1] durante la batalla de Stalingrado en 1942-43, en su fase final, se convirtió en su comandante de facto y desempeñó … Panzergeneral und Generaloberst Schmidt war mutig, selbstbewusst, kompetent und führte seine Soldaten mit Herz und Mitgefühl. He attained the rank of Generalleutnant during World War II, and is best known for his role as the Sixth Army 's chief of staff in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942–43, during the final stages of which he became its de facto commander, playing a large role in … After receiving word of the airlift, Lt. Gen. Martin Fiebig, the commander of the VIII Fliegerkorps in the Stalingrad sector, contacted Maj. Gen. Arthur Schmidt, Sixth Army’s chief of staff, to discuss the operation. His Chief of Staff, Generalmajor Arthur Schmidt was quick to agree with his Commanding Officer. Intense and very strict rationing had been out in place under the orders of the 6th Army’s chief of staff, Major General Schmidt. They met on a fateful afternoon—two marksmen stalking each other on the battlefield. zum 1.1.) Han var en lojal aristokrat och kompetent strateg. One year volunteer : 10 August 1914. The Battle of Stalingrad was the turning point for Germany in the Second World War. 2. Thomas Kretschmann. It was one of the most important battles of the war because it marked the end of … general schmidt stalingrad Navigation Services; Case; Leadership; Contact In response to my questions about Sixth Army's intentions, General Schmidt replied that the army commander proposed to deploy his army in a hedgehog [that is, all-around] ... Manfred Kehrig, Stalingrad: Analyse und Dokumentation einer Schlacht: Beiträge zur Militär- und Kriegsgeschichte, Band 15 (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1974) 17. He attained the rank of Generalleutnant during World War II, and is best known for his role as the Sixth Army's chief of staff in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942–43, during the final stages of which he became its de facto commander, playing a large role in executing Hitler's … General pfeffer - Die qualitativsten General pfeffer im ... Du mußt der Löwe von Stalingrad werden. Both were officers and Friedrich was killed at the battle for Anzio in February 1944. In the summer of 1942 Paulus advanced toward Stalingrad with 250,000 men, 500 tanks, 7,000 guns and mortars, and 25,000 horses. Dat de Duitsers de Sovjet-Unie zouden binnenvallen stond voor Adolf Hitler al lange tijd vast. The Battle of Stalingrad was fought during the Second World War between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.They were fighting for control of the city of Stalingrad. Wir konnten mit anhören, wie wir »bis zum letzten Mann ... hat er das Recht, sich zu erschießen«, hatte der unerbittliche Generalleutnant Schmidt im Hauptquartier der 6. Stalingrad 2001. November 1932. Von Paulus was lying on a narrow iron bed in another room. Absolutely impossible!” he declared. Arthur Schmidt (25 de octubre de 1895 - 5 de noviembre de 1987) fue un oficial de las Fuerzas Armadas Alemanas entre 1914 a 1943. German Officer Biography for Arthur Schmidt. Lieutenant-General Martin Fiebig, commander of Fliegerkorps VIII, the Luftwaffe corps responsible for air operations in the Stalingrad sector, warned Major-General Schmidt, Sixth Army’s chief of staff, that supplying an entire army by air Army Doctor Generalstabarzt Dr. Otto Renoldi adviced that it was the best to fly him out of the Stalingrad “pocket” to recover from his disease. Arthur Schmidt (25 October 1895 – 5 November 1987) was an officer in the German military from 1914 to 1943. Hitler will den kollektiven Heldentod. Sie führten die sowjetischen Soldaten in … De strijd om de fabrieken. Friedrich von Boetticher. Sie führten die sowjetischen Soldaten in das Zimmer von Paulus. The six captured men were principals at the little-known Dulag-205, a transit camp the Wehrmacht erected at Stalingrad for Soviet prisoners of war pending westward deportation to less extemporaneous prisons. Instead, 6th Army was meant to be supplied just enough to enable a speedy breakout. Foto: Mediadrumworld / RIA Novosti. World War II. In August of 1942, the German Army and Axis Powers invaded the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia. Germans at Stalingrad, 1942-1943. The carnage of the Battle of Stalingrad finally came to an end in February 1943, when the German Sixth Army Commander, Gen. Friedrich Paulus, surrendered the remaining ninety thousand troops of his army to the Soviet Forces. In June 1942, Nazi Germany was looking forward to victory. Sentrum av Stalingrad etter et av de blodigste slagene i verdenshistorien. Fähnrich : 24 December 1914 Kidnapped 1945 on Eastern Front (Missing) Herrmann Boettcher. Armee von General Paulus. De nøyaktige tapstallene ved Stalingrad vites ikke, men samlet sett nærmer tallet seg trolig en million døde, sårede og tilfangetatte.